Hin und wieder fragen mich Kunden, wie ich eigentlich die Apps testen kann. Manche sind sogar der Meinung das ich ein riesiges Arsenal an Geräten vorrätig haben müsste um besonders im Android-Umfeld alle möglichen Konfigurationen testen zu können.
Als Mobile-Enthusiast und Geschäftsführer der Cayas Software GmbH ist es mir ein großes Anliegen, mein Team und unsere Kunden zu unterstützen, neue potenziale zu entdecken und gemeinsam zu wachsen. Hier schreibe ich vor allem zur Entwicklung von Android und iOS-Apps mit Xamarin und .NET MAUI.
Voice input makes it possible to intuitively record food eaten and drunk without having to look at a device or tap. Instead of laboriously entering everything by hand, users can simply record their meals and snacks by voice command. This approach can lower the inhibition threshold and encourage users to continuously document their eating habits. This saves time and encourages regular documentation.
Modern applications are becoming more design-centric and therefore end-user-centric. For the user, the technical side of the program is not at all interesting, but rather taken for granted. Attractive design, animation and ease of use, on the contrary, all other things being equal, can make the application more popular among competitors.
It's been almost two years since the release of the stable version of Jetpack Compose, but still many developers are skeptical about using this framework in their projects. To answer the question, is it worth using Compose in your projects, let's make a small comparison between Android Views and Jetpack Compose based on typical tasks when developing native Android projects.